Every day you may clean and brush your teeth, but your smile not only needs but deserves a regular professional cleaning in your dental office. During these visits, be sure to tell the office about any changes in your overall health, any medications you may be taking and any new insurance information. There are plenty of good reasons to visit your dentists office at least every 6 months (unless otherwise directed):
- To prevent gum disease.
- To check for cavities and other oral diseases or conditions.
- To check for signs of oral cancer. Your dentist and hygienist are both trained to detect this.
- To remove tartar.
- To get rid of food, beverage or tobacco stains on the surface of your teeth that can not be removed with regular brushing and flossing.
- To learn about the best way to keep your teeth clean on a daily basis.
- Keeping your teeth healthy, helps keep your body healthy.